Friday, March 15, 2019

A border crisis that a wall won't fix

This article published on the San Antonio Express News begins by explaining the existing immigration issue that we can find at the southern border. I agree with how it tries to make clear that the current problem is not the same as it was years ago (immigrants coming from Mexico looking for work, which apparently seems to be the problem Trump describes every time he addresses the topic). They explain that the main problem now is that all these people are not coming from Mexico but from Central American countries such as Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala. This problem particularly affects Texas since it is a border state.

These people coming from Central American with their children with the "ever-present threat that their boys will be forced to join gangs or that their girls will be forced to submit to sexual degradation at the price of simply existing" in these countries. They state that these people are looking for political asylum and that not even the president's new laws and strict rules will stop them.

In my opinion it is a good article but it doesn't really suggest what we can to do change this situation. It only talks about what the government is currently doing (trying to build the wall, increasing security at the border, enforcing strict immigration laws, etc) but not what they can do to change this problem. I believe that this is a problem that has to be approached by their local government in order to help them achieve a better quality of life in those countries. There's obviously a problem in the opportunities (education, jobs, quality of life) they have in those countries as well as a problem with these gangs that has to be taken care off, and they state in the article that the USA helps these countries annually with huge amount of money and this is obviously not used appropriately by their government.

I understand these people need help but you cannot violate the sovereignty of another country. For example months ago there was a 'caravan' coming from these countries and their final destination being the United States. Immigrants entered Mexico as if it was their own country, demanding for food, accommodations, etc and even complaining because Mexican government was giving them certain type of food and they believed they deserved something else. I know this is a controversial topic and I do agree in helping people in need but I don't believe in people demanding for things and violating another country's laws. I do believe that rules and laws should apply to everyone so why would some people have to pay for immigration fees, lawyers, paper work, etc and others just walk in and are not obligated to comply with what the law says?