Friday, May 17, 2019

Blog Stage 8

   I agree with Ruben on his opinion that school shootings is a prevalent topic in US society, but it has been for years, maybe even decades now. It is something that unfortunately we keep seeing year after year in the news and in my opinion it is unbelievable how the government won’t do anything to change this situation. It is obvious that laws like the Texas Senate Bill 11 are not really laws that will improve this situation. 

   How can people and legislators actually think that allowing teachers and students over 21 years of age carry a concealed weapon will be the route to stop these massacres from occurring? Gun regulation is a more believable way to stop these shootings from happening, but as Ruben mentions in his blog post, it is something that has zero probability to happen, especially in the state of Texas. It is frustrating and sad how this is something that could basically happen to anybody but the government and legislators refuse to take real action towards this problem of society.

   Even when this Bill 11 has gone through different amendments since the day it was first proposed in 2015, its clear how none of these changes is the solution that the society needs. It shouldn't be a normal thing for people to have automatic weapons at home and for basically anyone to be able to own one.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Blog Stage 7

We are all aware that one of the main problems that our society is currently facing are drug related issues. These problems vary from consumption, to drug dealing, and trafficking and they convey so many other problems within society. According to recent statistics, the United States currently holds the first place for marijuana, cocaine, and tobacco consumption. Also, other illegal drugs like methamphetamines are widely consumed across the country.

  Despite the fact fact that some states have now legalized the use of marijuana as a recreational drug or/and for medical use, the problems are somewhat consistent and he consumption of other illegal drugs is on he rise or has stayed the same. In the state of Texas, drug possession is considered a felony which carries a penalty of up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $4,000 depending on the type of drug.

   In 2013 alone, the state of Texas reported almost 400 calls to the poison control center for heroin overdose. Even when this statistic is from 5 years ago, the problem is still the same. In my opinion, the real problem relies within the society, and we cannot put all the blame on the government. Once someone makes the decision to use drugs, even if it’s only one time, they become part of the problem. I know it may sound absurd, but maybe for some people this could sound insignificant and even say “ well it was only one time”, but the reality is that this one time carries a lot of problems behind that we are not able to see (for example, all the crime involved with drug trafficking).

I believe that this example doesn’t only apply to drug crimes, but to many other problems in our society as well, in which we tend to blame the government for. We should be able to take a look at ourselves and see if there might be something that we are doing that directly or indirectly contributes to theses issues. I do believe that all big changes start with us, so if we want a change we must begin with changing the way we act, think, the choices we make, and the way we treat others.