Friday, February 15, 2019

Donal Trump Vows to "Finish the Wall" in El Paso Political Rally

   The article published by the Texas Monthly narrates President Trump's recent visit in El Paso Texas and the declarations he made while being there. He talked about his intention on completing the wall in the border with Mexico, and explained how ever since the construction of the wall Bega over a decade ago, the faulty of life in El Paso changed for the better. According to him, El Paso used to be one of the "most dangerous cities in America". These declarations and "facts" were marked as false and "lies" by the people of El Paso and they reveled that such declarations made them upset.

  It also explains how El Paso congressman, Beto O'Rourke, recognizes the hard work of undocumented immigrants and urges people to come together in the midst of this controversial topic. He also addresses the problematic situation of the detention of over six thousand children this past year and gives his thoughts on immigration. Finally, they provide the testimony of an immigrant woman form Honduras, she explains how she was separated from her children and that they are being falsely accused of being criminals when they are only looking for better opportunities for themselves and for their families.

   In my opinion, this a well written article on the immigration topic, which tries to address both sides of the issue giving an objective point of view. I believe that it is important for people to be well informed on this matter because it is something that directly affects our state of Texas and the whole country and it is important to be informed by facts and not by judgements and opinions.

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